將女人身體的訊息,透過針孔照相機,製造了系列懷舊美學執念與性別政治意涵指涉的靜態影像 ; 隱晦的、曖昧地訴說女人的歷史與處境。從個人性別自覺到再現性別權力關係,在時間的長河中,成為自在女人 ; 並能關懷她人,培力壯大成為更完整的個體。
YiYi Wan Using pinhole camera, I adopted the language of female body to usher in a kind of nostalgic aesthetics and a sense of polarity that is often present in gender politics; and the sense of repression, and ambivalence, what I tried to reveal here is the history and the predicament of the female race. Speaking through self-salvation, we become slowly aware of our sexuality, which further allows us the understandings to re-investigate the power relationship between sexes. In this prolonged process, that we can exist freely as a woman and show care for other women, and that as we become self-empowered, we can hope to be the complete human beings.
http://cyberisland.teldap.tw/user/zxde http://cyberisland.teldap.tw/site/zxde萬一一