彼德‧波依德‧麥克蘭+羽絨被兄弟 / 多頻彩色有聲錄像/ 5分7秒 / 1986 / 英國 Trigalig Peter Boyd Maclean+ The Duvet Brothers Muti channel color video with sound / 05mins 07secs / 1986 / England 電視牆 TV WALL / 公民藝術之窗 Windows of Public Art 特利格利格是我發明的字,我用這個字試著描寫用變焦手法拍攝樹枝的特殊效果。創作這個作品,始於我哥哥於29歲那年突然因心臟病去世。他去世後不久,一天,我開車經過鄉下,開著開著,突然感覺自己像是被催眠了一樣,路邊的風景開始朦朧不清。我停下車子把一切景像拍攝下來。那時失落與憂傷的感情,在融合了舞蹈與音樂的元素後,於作品中流露無遺。
The name Trigalig is short for Strictly Trigaligally which is a made up word used to try and describe the effect that changing focus on the twigs and branches at the beginning of the video had. I made Trigalig just after my brother died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of twenty nine. I was driving in the countryside and noticed the hypnotic effect of the trees as I drove past them so I returned to film them. Together with the lone dancing figure and the music of Eric Satie and The Band Of Holy Joy this helped to express the feeling of loss and melancholy I had at the time. 呼! 提摩‧卡茲 錄像 / 2分55秒 / 2006 / 德國 Whirr
2006 / Video / 2mins 55 secs / Germany 電視牆 TV WALL 大約在1960’s年代,德國鄉村興起這類型的房子。之後,這些房子被它們的屋主不斷地改裝。作品中,看起來快要氾濫的房子,在線性攝影下被簡化,原來的建築概念也隨之變型。我創作這個作品,完全出自於一種好奇心。我問自己,將特定影像之後的空間暴露出來,是否可行?我發現這幾乎是不可能。雖然如此,卻有辦法讓這個空間變得可信。
The same type of town houses were build in the 1960ties and got transformed by their owners over the years. By reducing these obviously redundant building sights into a linear tracking shot, the film gets a view on how transformations and structural irregularities oscillate around their initial architectual idea without ever getting an exact description.
"I started the work on Whirr out of a certain kind of curiosity. I asked myself if it could be possible to disclose the space that might be behind its certain images. It wasn`t possible to make this space visible (its an image of this space that we see in any case) but to make it a little more conceivable." 請捐錢
布雷德‧摩斯曼 2010 / 單頻彩色有聲錄像 / 1分01秒 / 丹麥 Donate Here Brad Mossman 2010/ One channel color video with sound / 1 min 01 sec / Denmark 電視牆 TV WALL
I recently shot the film in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. That"s the town where Bill Clinton is from. I was walking down the street and saw this "eye catching" advertising "balloon" sort of thing blowing and the way it"s "body" moved with its happy face and "hair" on top was so beautiful. It was like green liquid with the blue sky behind it. With nice sunlight too.